Duncan MacDonald
Reviewed 11 January 2022

Executed - The Gallant Exploits of Lieutenant John Appleby, WW2 Resistance Fighter - by Peter Russell Scott, 2021
Australian Army Lieutenant John Appleby was an escaped POW and a member of the Dutch Resistance in Java, where he was betrayed, recaptured, then executed by the Japanese in 1943. Download this excellent PDF book by Peter Russell Scott click here >>

ANZAC & Lone Pine Revisited - 1975
This is the record of my personal pilgrimage to Anzac Cove in May 1975. There were - no tour buses; no T.V. cameras; no Politicians - and the Australian Government was actively discouraging its citizens from going because of the tension between Turkey and Greece. I went anyway. click here >>
Stop Press: >>Click here to download this free e-book from Smashwords

Indonesia - Ereveld Ancol - Hellingsworth family from U.K. - 20 June 2019
British GNR J.R. Hellingsworth was beheaded by the Japanese at Subang ('Soebang' Dutch spelling) on 21-2-1942.
Peter Hellingsworth and his family travelled from England to visit his father's grave. click here >>

Indonesia - Ereveld Ancol - Dutch War Graves - 4 November 2017
The Ancol war cemetery on the coast of North Jakarta, is located on the site where many atrocities took place. Over 2,000 victims, civilian and military, both men and women, are buried here. Victims of the Japanese occupation (1942-45) plus the struggle for independence after the war (1946-49), claimed many more deaths . More than 24,000 people are buried in 7 war cemeteries throughout Java, which are maintained by the Netherlands War Graves Foundation.
Stop Press: LT John Appleby 2/6th Field Company POW executed by Japanese Forces 1943, posthumously awarded Australian Commendation for Gallantry, August 2018.
click here >>

Frank Tait & Shinta Edinburgh Castle Shinta Buckingham Palace
U.K. - England and Scotland - August 2016
Shinta and Duncan travelled to England and Scotland to observe some of the regions contained in Duncan's historical novels 'Culann Chronicals', set in the 7th century. As a bonus we were there during the Edinburgh Festival. These photos record some of the highlights of the trip. click here >>

Grenoble MBA - April 2016
Shinta was awarded her MBA by Grenoble University {France} on 1-April-2016. Shinta then travelled with some of her Indonesian graduates to Paris, and on to the Netherlands. These photos record some of the highlights of the trip.
click here >>

Umroh - May 2013
Shinta & Duncan performed Umroh (mini Haj) in May 2013. Photos of this special event are shown on the following pages. click here >>